Autumn is a great time to mulch

Both garden soils and plants benefit from mulch. While you can mulch at any time of the year, doing so in autumn makes a lot of sense. Here are some tips to make sure your plants thrive after an application of organic mulch!

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October Newsletter is Ready to Read!

We are halfway to November already and it's newsletter time again. We have specials on top dress soil to give your lawn some love, and hardwood mulch. We also have tips to grow veggies in pots, a yummy garlic butter recipe and we introduce our Trade Partner, Matt Lucas from Lucas Mob. Enjoy!

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Gabion Inspiration: Rocks Sunshine Coast style

You've no doubt seen gabion cages in every gardening magazine, display and home improvement show in recent times. 

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23 Fruits & Veggies You Can Grow From Scraps

If you do the grocery shopping for your household, you know that this is one of the highest costs related to your home and family. And getting truly fresh, organic, seasonal fruit and veggies is even more so. 

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Puppies Are Cute Until They Dig Your Garden

Who doesn't love a puppy? Certainly not us, and on that note, please meet the newest addition to the Coastal family... Boof.

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